with FM Yuriy Krykun

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FM Yuriy Krykun Reveals...

How to Find Powerful Endgame Ideas in Any Position, and Convert to a Win with Ruthless Accuracy Time-after-Time even against Strongest Opponents

It’s no secret that the endgame is a treasure trove of rating points.

Most players only have basic endgame skill. And a big percentage are ready to agree a DRAW if things look kind of even.

Big mistake.

As Carlsen and co. show time and time again, there is a lot of life in even the simplest positions. Fine margins turn draws to wins, boosting your rating and making you a feared opponent.

But few endgame courses teach these methods, preferring to concentrate on tired technical positions we’ve all seen a million times before.

Now Ukrainian FM Yuriy Krykun (2342 Elo)  - a lifelong investigator of endgame mysteries – has recorded a new type of endgame course, one that shows you how to see things 90% of players miss… and convert them to victory, time and again.

Too many endgame courses take the lazy approach of just explaining why a particular move was played in a particular position. Unless you get that exact position, it’s no help!

In contrast, Yuriy Krykun teaches positional evaluation and winning strategy.

Take s look at this position:

Here is how Black wins...

White needs to connect the rooks and improve his bishop – that uses up his next move.

Black will move a rook to d8, contesting the open file. Then Black plays …f5 and Kf7-e6 – this stops White putting a rook on e7 and frees up Black’s rook.

That “weak” h-pawn? Black pushes it to h4 and exchanges it after forcing White to play g2-g3 by attacking the g-pawn with …Rg8.

Now Black attacks along the open file on the kingside, forcing passive defense from White’s pieces.

Your secret weapon...

FM Krykun shows you how to find ideas like these in any position, and convert to a win with ruthless accuracy.

Don’t leave any more rating points on the table; don’t let people rob you of that extra ½ point.

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Endgame Secrets – Video Course [3 hours 3 minutes]

Ukrainian FM Yuriy Krykun (2342 Elo) - a lifelong investigator of endgame mysteries – has recorded a new type of endgame course, one that shows you how to see things 90% of players miss… and convert them to victory, time and again.

Access to Practicum

Train the important move sequences with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

PGNs of all games

Downloadable PGNs of the games presented in the course with Master’s analysis, extra lines and ideas.

Well-structured, practical suggestions only focusing on what really matters

Essential principles, plans, and master-level strategies clearly explained, in easy-to-understand form which you can apply in your own games starting today!

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    Introduction to the course

  • Chapter 1:

    Alekhine's Classical Approach

  • Chapter 2

    Model Game Nikitenko-Krykun

  • Chapter 3

    Andersson's Brilliant Technique

  • Chapter 4

    Beating the Passive Defense

  • Chapter 5

    Knight vs. Bishop Endings

  • Chapter 6

    Bishop vs. Knight Endings

  • Chapter 7

    Going to the Endgame


FM Yuriy Krykun (2372 ELO)

is a Ukranian FIDE master and member of the National Team with ELO of 2372 and IM norm. He played in many National and International tournaments, winning over 10 medals. Bronze medal winner in European U18 Championship. Full-time chess player, coach, and author of multiple publications.


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