Fighting 1.e4 - Complete Repertoire for Black

with FM Yuriy Krykun

[85% OFF]

FM Yuriy Krykun Presents...

The Complete, "Low-Theory" Repertoire for Black against 1.e4!

1.e4 is the most popular first move in chess.

The chances are, you'll see 1.e4 in nearly half of your games with Black!

Sure, you can respond with 1...e5, Sicilian, Caro-Kann, or French... but learning all these lines and variations would turn out very time consuming and tedious.

We are all busy, who has MONTHS to hit the books and learn a bunch of opening theory?

Well, FM Yuriy Krykun has just finished Fighting 1.e4: The Complete Repertoire for Black with a 'heavy' emphasis on practicality and simplicity. No need to memorize the mainline theory for the lines you'll likely never face in your entire chess life!

Instead, FM Krykun gives you 2 full repertoires against 1.e4 based on Czech Pirc and a very special setup in Alekhine's Defense!

What do you get?

It is a practical repertoire. We won't be chasing 100% computer approval with 0.00 evaluation in every line.

This is NOT a repertoire to play against the best engines or super-GMs. It is a preparation to get a sizable edge against most under 2200 FIDE opponents... they'll have no idea how to play those positions with White!

Here is what you'll learn:

  • GM Memedyarov's strong surprise weapon for Black against White's mainline in Czech Pirc
  • Magnus Carlsen's sneaky move order in Alekhine's Defense to cut down the INSANE amount of theory and avoid White's most dangerous responses
  • The choice of two systems in Alekhine's Defense and when to use each one?
  • How to reduce White's possibilities in Czech Pirc, steering the game towards the positions YOU want?
  • Powerful antidots against the sidelines and off-beat variations in both Czech Pirc and Alekhine's Defense

In this opening training, FM Yuriy Krykun gives you a complete blueprint to take your opponent out of "book" in as little as 4-5 moves!

FM Krykun has many amazing victories against FMs, IMs and even GMs using this simple repertoire!

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Fighting 1.e4: The Complete Repertoire for Black – Video Course [6 hours 11 minutes]

FM Yuriy Krykun has just finished Fighting 1.e4: The Complete Repertoire for Black with a 'heavy' emphasis on practicality and simplicity. FM Krykun gives you 2 full repertoires against 1.e4 based on Czech Pirc and a very special setup in Alekhine's Defense!

Two Full Repertoires against 1.e4

In this opening training, FM Yuriy Krykun gives you a complete blueprint to take your opponent out of "book" in as little as 4-5 moves!

Access to Practicum

Train the important move sequences with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

PGNs of all games

Downloadable PGNs of the games presented in the course with Master’s analysis, extra lines and ideas.


  • Chapter 1

    What This Course is About

  • Chapter 2

    The 4.Nf3 Czech Pirc

  • Chapter 3

    The 4.f4 Sidelines in the Czech Pirc

  • Chapter 4

    The 4.f4 Mainline in the Czech Pirc

  • Chapter 5

    The Sidelines on Move 4 in the Czech Pirc

  • Chapter 6

    1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.f3

  • Chapter 7

    3.Bd3 and Nd2

  • Chapter 8

    Sidelines on move 2

  • Chapter 9

    My games in Czech Pirc

  • Chapter 10

    The Alekhine Sidelines I

  • Chapter 11

    The Alekhine Sidelines II

  • Chapter 12

    The Alekhine with 4.exd6

  • Chapter 13

    The Alekhine with 4.Nf3 and f4

  • Chapter 14

    My games in Alekhine

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FM Yuriy Krykun (2372 ELO)

is a Ukranian FIDE master and member of the National Team with ELO of 2372 and IM norm. He played in many National and International tournaments, winning over 10 medals. Bronze medal winner in European U18 Championship. Full-time chess player, coach, and author of multiple publications.

Complete Repertoire for Black after 1.e4!

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