MEGA BUNDLE Vol. 1-182

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"Over 160 Volumes covering a variety of openings in great detail. The Foxy Chess DVD Series also provides instruction of more general concepts including middle-game strategy, long-term positional understanding, tactical awareness, and endgame mastery."

Hi there, 

How would you like to own the largest chess library on earth?

A library that makes the ambitious tournament player feel invincible and sees the retired chess aficionado sipping his glass of wine, enjoying endless nights of pure...chess...pleasure.

The Foxy Chess Series features an all-star line-up of well-known presenters including GMs Daniel King, Chris Ward, Ron Henley, Timur Gareev, Ronen Har-Zvi, Julian Hodgson, Nigel Davies, James Plaskett, Aaron Summerscale, Chris Dunworth, Jon Levitt, IMs Andrew Martin, Gary Lane, and many more.

The Foxy Openings Series is a timeless collection of Grandmasters opening explained simple enough to comprehend at any level.

We’ve managed to get hold of entire FOXY Mega bundle, amazing 182 volumes of elite chess training materials...

Here is what it'll do for you:

  • Save you a ton of time and stress as you glide through the opening while your opponent struggles to counter your pro-level moves.
  • Eliminate those painful losses that come from poor openings – the ones where you know you’re worse by move 10 and waste hours trying to save the game. Probably the #1 negative impact on your rating.
  • Rack up BIG scores against individual rivals by preparing with the relevant course from your 182 volume collection. Most players stick to 2 or 3 openings, making them a sitting duck!
  • Viewers are guaranteed to improve their chess ability with the diverse expertise and high-quality production

If you’re serious about improving your chess and want to solve all your opening issues for good, invest in yourself!

We will focus on one area at a time, mastering it before moving on.


Foxy Mega Bundle:

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Foxy Series - Entire Collection Volumes 1-182

Volume 1: A Complete Defence to 1. d4
Volume 2: a6 Slav
Volume 3: Albin Counter-Gambit
Volume 4: Alekhine Defence
Volume 5: Annoying d-Pawn Openings
Volume 6: Anti-Flank Openings (Old Indian System)
Volume 7: Anti-Kings Indian & Grunfeld System-"The Barry Attack"
Volume 8: Beating all the Anti-Sicilian Systems
Volume 9: Beating the Anti-Dutch Systems
Volume 10: Beating the King's Indian with "The Bayonet Attack"
Volume 11: Beating the Pirc & Modern Defences "The 150 Attack"
Volume 12: Benko Gambit Accepted
Volume 13: Benko Gambit Declined
Volume 14: Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
Volume 15: Budapest Gambit
Volume 16: c3 Sicilian
Volume 17: Caro Krusher
Volume 18: Caro-Kann
Volume 19: Center Counter Carnage!
Volume 20: d4 Dynamite
Volume 21: Dashing Danish
Volume 22: English Defence
Volume 23: f4 Sicilian
Volume 24: French 1
Volume 25: French 2
Volume 26: Grunfeld
Volume 27: King's Gambit
Volume 28: King's Indian 1
Volume 29: King's Indian 2
Volume 30: Kopec Anti-Scillian System
Volume 31: Kramnik-Shirov Counterattack
Volume 32: Leningrad Dutch
Volume 33: McCutcheon French
Volume 34: Modern Benoni
Volume 35: 'Modern' Modern
Volume 36: Morra Gambit Accepted
Volume 37: Morra Gambit Declined
Volume 38: Najdorf
Volume 39: Nimzo-Indian Defence
Volume 40: Nimzowitsch Defence (1...Nc6)
Volume 41: Portuguese (1. e4 e5 2. Bb5!)
Volume 42: Queen's Gambit
Volume 43: Ruy Lopez
Volume 44: Ruy Lopez - Moller Defence
Volume 45: Sicilian Dragon
Volume 46: Sicilicide
Volume 47: Sidestep
Volume 48: Stonewall Dutch
Volume 49: Strangling The Sicilian with 2.d3!
Volume 50: Torre Attack
Volume 51: Trompowski
Volume 52: Trompowski-Main Line
Volume 53: Trompowski-Pseudo
Volume 54: Trompowski Success
Volume 55: Untamed Chigorin!
Volume 56: Win with 1...d6 Part 1
Volume 57: Win with 1...d6 Part 2
Volume 58: Combat Chess #1: Ten Lethal Weapons
Volume 59: Combat Chess #2 All Out Attack
Volume 60: Dirty Tricks #1
Volume 61: Dirty Tricks #2
Volume 62: 21st Century Secret Weapons #1
Volume 63: 21st Century Secret Weapons #2
Volume 64: Better Chess Now! "20:20 Calculation"
Volume 65: Better Chess Now! "Positional Inspiration"
Volume 66: Better Chess Now! "Attack With Confidence"
Volume 67: Better Chess Now! "Endings - The Essentials"
Volume 68: Kasparov's Deadly Weapon - The Scotch Game
Volume 69: Fisher's Deadly Weapon - Exchange Ruy Lopez
Volume 70: Larsen's Deadly Weapon Repertoire - Take your opponent out of theory!!
Volume 71: 20 Deadly Sicilian Shockers
Volume 72: Learn the Opening 1-2-3
Volume 73: Learn the Middlegame 1-2-3
Volume 74: Learn the Endgame 1-2-3 lum
Volume 75: The London System
Volume 76: The Hippo
Volume 77: The Sicilian Kan - Martin (160) Volume 78: Learn the Nimzo-Indian
Volume 79: King's Gambit Part 1 - Martin (89 mins)
Volume 80: King's Gambit Part 2 - Martin (113 mins)
Volume 81 The Lion - Repetoire for black against 1.e4 & d4 MartinVolume
Volume 82: The Sveshnikov Sicilian Part 1 – IM Andrew Martin
Volume 83: The Sveshnikov Sicilian Part 2 – IM Andrew Martin
Volume 84: The Basic Principles, Explained - Martin (141 mins)
Volume 85: Essential Chess Tactics Easily Explained - Martin (115 mins)
Volume 87: Attack/Defence/Space/Time Easily Explained - Martin (131 mins)
Volume 88: Endgames Self-Training Easily Explained - Martin (140 mins)
Volume 89: The Baltic Defence, Easily Explained - Andrew Martin
Volume 91: Unusal Openings û A Repertoire for Black against 1 b3,1 b4, 1 a3, 1 Nc3, 1 g3, 1 g4 and 1 f44
Volume 92: English Opening 1 c4 for the Average Player Easily Explained, The - Martin
Volume 93: Modern Stonewall Dutch, The - Martin
Volume 94: Scotch, A Modern Repertoire for White - Martin
Volume 95: The Blumenfeld Gambit Easily Explained - Martin
Volume 96: The Petroff a Counterattacking Weapon for Black Easily Explained - Martin
Volume 97: Queens Gambit Accepted - Martin
Volume 98: Grunfeld for Club Player, Exchange & Fianchetto Variations Vol 1
Volume 99: Grunfeld for Club Player, All Remaining Variations & Systems Vol 2
Volume 100: The Modern Scandinavian and Icelandic Carnage - Martin
Volume 101: The French Defence Reworked (Vol 1 of 3) - Martin
Volume 103: A French Repertoire - Andrew Martin
Volume 104: Accelerated Dragon - Andrew Martin
Volume 105: The Accelerated Dragon Easily Explained - Andrew Martin
Volume 106: The Sokolsky 1.b4 - Andrew Martin
Volume 107: Beating the Queen's Gambit with the Semi-Slav Triangle Defence - Andrew Martin
Volume 108: Modern Defence Repertoire for Black Part 1 - Martin
Volume 109: Modern Defence Repertoire for Black Part 2 - Martin
Volume 110: Modern Defence Repertoire for Black Part 3 - Martin
Volume 111: Kings Indian Attack Easily Explained - Martin
Volume 112: Complete Repertoire Against White's Anti-Sicilian Systems Easily Explained Part 1
Volume 113: Complete Repertoire Against White's Anti-Sicilian Systems Easily Explained Part 2
Volume 114: 10 Easy Ways To Get better At Chess Vol 1 (Novice) - Martin (DVD)
Volume 115: 10 Easy Ways To Get better At Chess Vol 2 (Intermediate) - Martin (DVD)
Volume 116: 10 Easy Ways To Get better At Chess Vol 3 (Advanced) - Martin (DVD)
Volume 117: The Modern Italian Game Vol 1 - IM Andrew Martin
Volume 118: The Two Knights Defence Vol 2 - IM Andrew Martin
Volume 119: Anti-Gambit Guide Vol 1: 1.e4 - Andrew Martin
Volume 120: Anti-Gambit Guide Vol 2: 1.d4 - Andrew Martin
Volume 121: Crushing White: The Dzindzi Indian Vol 1 - GM Ron W Henley
Volume 122: Crushing White: The Dzindzi Indian Vol 2 - GM Ron W Henley
Volume 123: Crushing White: The Dzindzi Indian Vol 3 - GM Ron W Henley
Volume 124: The Dynamic Pirc Defence – The Austrian Attack Part 1 IM Andrew Martin
Volume 125: The Dynamic Pirc Defence covers g3 systems, Bg5, and Bf4
Volume 126: The Dynamic Pirc Defence The Classical Variation
Volume 127: The Veresov Opening Aggressive Repetoire for the Attacking Player
Volume 128: The c3 Sicilian Crushing Black Part 1
Volume 129: The c3 Sicilian Crushing Black Part 2
Volume 131: The c3 Sicilian Crushing Black Part 4
Volume 132: The c3 Sicilian Crushing Black Part 5
Volume 133: Unorthodox Caro-Kann
Volume 134: The White Sniper 1.g6, Bg2,c4
Volume 135: Queen Pawn Opening The Stonewall & Colle Zuckerfort
Volume 137: Sniper A Dynamic Universal System For The Aggressive Black Player- Pawn Grab Variation 4.dxc5 Part 2
Volume 138: Sniper A Dynamic Universal System For The Aggressive Black Player- Maroczy & Anti-Maroczy Bind #3
Volume 139: Sniper A Dynamic Universal System For The Aggressive Black Player- Schmidt Benoni 4.d5 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6
Volume 140: Easy Way to Learn How to Play The Sicilian Dragon to Gain The Winning Edge - GM Timur Gareev Vol.1
Volume 141: Beating The Yugoslav Attack 9.0-0-0 with 9….d5 Part 1 GM Timur Gareev & Ronen Har-Zv Vol.2
Volume 142: The Chinese Dragon- Beating The Yugoslav Attack 9.B-c4 Part 2( W & Black) GM Gareev & Ronen vol.3
Volume 143: The Sicilian Dragon Classical Variation by GM Timur Gareev Vol. 4 (W & B)
Volume 144: Easy to Learn Step by Step Strategies On How to Think and Play Like A Grand Master(GM Timur Gareev) 3 Hours 25 Minutes
Volume 145 : Winning Repertoire for Black Against 1.d4 Black Plays 1....d5 (by IM Andrew Martin) 173 Minutes
Volume 146: Part 1 Winning Repertoire for Black Against 1.e4 Black Plays 1....e5(by IM Andrew Martin) 140 Minutes
Volume 147: Part 2 Winning Repertoire for Black Against 1.e4 Black Plays 1....e5 (by IM Andrew Martin) 107 Minutes
Volume 152: How to Think and Play The Chess Openinngs Like A GM Gareev 151Crushing Black with the Deadly Ponziani150 White Reperoire Against French, Caro-Kann, and Alekhine149 The Deadly Scotch part 2148 The Deadly Scotch part 1
Volume 153: The St. George Defence 1…e6 and …a6
Volume 154: Classical French Andrew Martin
Volume 155: Queens Gambit Repertoire Part1Ma
Volume 156: Queens Gambit Repertoire Part 2
Volume 157: Queens Gambit Repertoire Part 3
Volume 158: Blackmar Diemer Carnage
Volume 159: Vienna Gambit 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 f4
Volume 160: The Sniper Vol.5 Covering lines against the often difficult to meet c3 Sicilian,Grand Prix Attack, Closed Sicilian and Scholar's mate.
Volume 161: Time Saving Tips for the Chessplayer to Busy to Study
Volume 162: Winning with The Dynamic Caro-Kann (The Deadly Bronstein-Larsen System
Volume 163: Crushing Opening Traps The Budapest Fajarowicz Gambit
Volume 164: Opening Ideas and Techniques for young and improving players vol.1
Volume 165: Two expands on the idea of approach and gives you four secret opening weapons vol.2

vol 166 Chess in 1
Vol 167 Ruy Lopez
Vol 168 Albin Gambit Part 1
vol 169 Modern Albin Part 2
Vol170 The Colle For The Tournament Player
Vol171 The Colle System
Vol172 Scotch
Vol175 London System1
Vol176 London 2
Vol177 London 3
Vol178 Dominate Endgames 1
Vol179 Dominate Endgames 2
Vol180 Dominate Endgames 3
vol181 1d6 part 1
Vol182 1d6 part 2

  • Foxy Series - Entire Collection [Vol. 1-182]

    Foxy Series contains 182 lessons and more than 800 hours of chess coaching covering EVERYTHING chess and, designed to take students anywhere from 1000 to 2000+ rating points.

  • Guaranteed improvement

    Viewers are guaranteed to improve their chess ability with the diverse expertise and high-quality production of the Foxy Chess Series. It is a timeless collection of Grandmasters opening explained simple enough to comprehend at any level.

  • Fully Downloadable

    You download and keep all the materials for lifetime

  • BONUS #1: Roman’s Lab – The encyclopedia of chess openings [$79 Value]

    If you are a tournament player, you’ll know the importance of being armed with a ton of opening “weapons”. Catching out your opponent early on is the best way to do that. If you’re serious about getting the edge in competition chess then this superb 6 volume bundle is essential material. The 14-hour Encyclopedia of Chess Openings is based on GM Lev Alburts, Roman Dzindzichashvili and Eugene Perelshteynis best selling book “Chess Openings for Black, Explained: A Complete Repertoire.” and “Chess Openings for White Explained“.
    Only available to first 25 buyers.

  • BONUS #2: Improve your Combinational & Tactical Skills GM Dzindzi [$30 Value]

    Featured topics include: Multiple thematic combinations in the Nimzo Indian, Unexpected tactical shots in the Scotch, Thematic counter combinations in the Ruy Lopez, Complex combination in the English, Unusual endgame tactics and combinations and quiet tactical moves.

    Only available to first 25 buyers.


  • IM Andrew Martin is one of the best chess instructors in English language. I’ve played with good results his recommendations about dragon variation on Sicilian defense.
  • I bought the whole bundle. I don’t need more material to study chess and to prepare openings. Good explanations and good lines in the openings.
    Juan D.
  • Great videos! I consider myself an intermediate-level player, and I needed help with my openings repertoire. I found particularly interesting the study on the Queen’s Gambit and the Nimzo-Indian defense.
    Fred B.
  • I acquired this pack because I like very much Andrew Martin DVD and foxy dvds. I don’t like to study long opening lines and on these dvds I found good lines for white (as in the trompowsky attack) without studying so much.
    Peter Land
  • I was looking for conceptual lessons on chess, and that’s exactly what I found. I just finished watching the Better Chess Now series and it really helped me to improve my overall understanding of the game in just a few hours of video.
    Robert Judge
  • I’ve always been a chess enthusiast but I’ve never had enough time to study properly. Now, for the first time in my life, I feel comfortable with openings because I understand them!
    Christina Shaw


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