
by GM Igor Smirnov

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"This course is ALL about the MOST important strategic and positional rules and, more importantly, it will show you how to apply these in your games!"

Stronger players UNDERSTAND chess better!

No, they don’t just calculate variations. Strong players don’t just memorize opening lines. They don’t just look for tactics every move. What set really strong players ahead of the pack is their DEEP and CLEAR UNDERSTANDING of the game. This clear understanding allows them to ‘JUST KNOW’ the right move!

With their deep positional and strategic understanding guiding them like a compass, strong chess players can tell the right plan and ideas and KNOW the RIGHT move ALL the time… without breaking a sweat!

Well, consider this. Modern tournament chess players spend LONG hours on:

  • Training their tactical skills and combinative eye by solving hundreds or even thousands of tactical exercises.
  • Studying and memorizing sharp opening lines. They even buy monthly chess opening publications to keep them up-to-date with the latest theory.
  • And when it comes to playing, they love positions that allow them to attack.

At first sight, it seems there is nothing wrong with it… until the average tournament player encounters someone stronger, someone who UNDERSTANDS chess better and deeper than they do.

The time they spent on opening preparation, honing tactical skills, and attacking technique ALL go out of the window when they encounter a position that requires clear positional and strategic UNDERSTANDING. The stronger player SLOWLY but SURELY outplays them, snuff out their counter chances, and ultimately, bring the point home.

I’m not saying that training your tactical skills, attacking technique, preparing for openings, etc. won’t bring you anything. Yes, they will improve your game. You may win a game or two in fine style.

HOWEVER, to break through the small league… the elite circle of REALLY strong players, you need to take your UNDERSTANDING of chess to a DEEP and CRYSTAL CLEAR level.

What's the solution?

The Grandmaster’s Positional Understanding isn’t just informative. It’s NOT just a theoretical discussion of positional play and strategic understanding. This course is ALL about the MOST important strategic and positional rules and, more importantly, it will show you how to apply these in your games!

With the heightened UNDERSTANDING of chess, you will make that QUALITATIVE LEAP FORWARD in your chess development.

If you...

  • Want to make GREAT progress in chess but don’t have 8 hours a day to spend on training.
  • Want to clear up ALL of your QUESTIONS in chess.
  • Want to get that MASSIVE increase in rating points.
  • Want to keep your level of play in GREAT shape ALL THE TIME.

Then you will SURELY LOVE this course!

Best for intermediate level chess players

This course is designed mainly for students at a 1500-2000 rating level. However, it will still be useful for higher rated students as well.

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7 Comprehensive, Grandmaster video lessons

Ebook version of all concepts covered in the video

19 Unique Practical Tasks/ 100s of commented games and puzzles

PGN solutions to the practical section

Bonus Lessons and special “Mind Maps” and other KEY materials for printing


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  • Lesson 1

    Positional Understanding

    Right here, I will show you what makes Positional Understanding REALLY important and how Grandmasters, IMs, etc. use it all the time.

  • Lesson 2

    A Look at All The Positional Principles

    This lesson is a continuation of the first one, where we will delve deeper into the MAIN guiding idea of chess and how IMPORTANT it is to keep in mind all the time to find the RIGHT moves in any position.

  • Lesson 3

    Step By Step Guide For A Practical Play

    In the third lesson, I will hand-hold you and show you how to use your newly acquired positional and strategic understanding in REAL chess games. I will give you a SIMPLE but EFFECTIVE guide for playing REAL chess!

  • Lesson 4

    Strategic Elements-Pawn Structure

    Pawn structures and pawns are VERY important in determining the RIGHT plan, finding the RIGHT ideas, and the RIGHT moves in a position. In this lesson, I will show you…

  • Lesson 5

    How to Take Charge of Your Future?

    This lesson is devoted to the intricacies of the Bishop and the Bishop pair. With this lesson, you will have a deeper understanding of how these clerics work and how to make them an important or even WINNING asset in your games!

  • Lesson 6

    The Bishops and Company

    In the 6th lesson, we will discuss how Bishops interact with other pieces – Knights, Rooks, Queen, etc. You will heighten your UNDERSTANDING of how Bishops influence the flow of the game and how they work with your pieces, which is ESSENTIAL for taking your game to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!

  • Lesson 7

    Other Chess Pieces and Important Rules

    In the final lesson, as the name suggests, we will take a closer look at ALL of the other pieces in Chess – King, Queen, Rook, etc., how they influence a position and how you can take advantage of them according to the positional and strategic rules discussed in the previous lesson.


  • Reveal and explain EVERYTHING about Chess Strategy. With this, you will UNDERSTAND how to play REAL chess and HOW to think during a real game!
  • Reveal the SECRET of REALLY strong players: the MOST important strategic and positional rules that enable them to demolish the opposition.
  • Show you how strong players of the past and present use these important strategic rules in their games and win even against the strongest opponents.
  • Hand-hold you and train you so that you will UNDERSTAND chess at a very deep level and make sure you are able to apply this understanding in your games… ALL THE TIME!
  • All the theory lines contain my text commentaries. These explanations will allow you to understand clearly all the important ideas and plans regarding this opening.


GM Igor Smyrnov

Igor Smirnov is a chess Grandmaster, coach, and holder of a Master’s degree in psychology. He’s the founder of the “Remote Chess Academy” company that has helped thousands of students worldwide to improve their results. GM Smirnov has developed lots of chess video lessons, articles, webinars and training courses.


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