by GM Igor Smyrnov

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Hi there, 

Do you want to get the concrete guide on what and how exactly you should train to become a Grandmaster? Do you want to know how Grandmasters think during a game of chess? Do you want to know the secrets of the professional players’ success?

Then you are welcome to the GM Secrets Course, which will help you to improve your skills at least to the International Master’s level (proven by practice!)

I have created my special system of chess education, based on the psychological principles of effective learning and extensive chess practice.

The course contains not only my experience but also experiences from a lot of my friends: Grandmasters, trainers and other chess players, who helped me perfect the course! Many thanks to you guys! Now the course contains a lot of recommendations, which were taken only from SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE.

Every chess player wants to improve and make progress, however, one of the biggest problems is to understand how to do it.

The usual ways of training give very slow progress and even sometimes these are completely ineffective. Did your RESULTS become better after reading a chess book? The usual (and very sad) answer is “No”.

Finding a GOOD chess coach is also a huge problem. How many chess teachers do you know who can say: “I know exactly how to get progress in chess and I can guarantee it to you.”? The most popular answer is “Zero”.
“Pointless knowledge”, which doesn’t give you any concrete results, is the biggest problem for all the chess players!

During my chess career as a player and as a coach I have thought about an effective way of learning all the time. That’s why I decided to develop a chess course “The Grandmaster’s secrets”. With pride I can say that this course will give you only the concrete skills (no more pointless knowledge!).

The effectiveness of my teaching system was proven by my own practice and the results of a lot of my students.

Chess course The Grandmaster’s secrets contains the following video lessons:

  • Part 1

    The biggest mistakes

    This lesson discovers the biggest mistakes and biggest problems which most chess players make. It is very important to realize them early so that you won’t continue making them during your chess development. It will help you save years of training and help you reach your goals quickly rather that waste your time on futile efforts.

  • Part 2

    How to play the game (strategy and tactics)

    It is much more important to improve one’s thinking process rather than get new pointless knowledge all the time. Improving of your thinking system allows you to find the best move in any position. In these lessons, I will be telling you exactly how Grandmasters think during a game of chess. You will get a clear system of thinking containing several easy steps. Following this tutorial will bring you Grandmaster results!

  • Part 3

    How to prepare for the tournament

    In this lesson we will discuss tournament preparation, specifically, when there are several weeks of pre-tournament preparation time. Pre-tournament training should be focused on bringing you to your peak of chess condition so that you are able to do your very best in the competition. During the lesson you will learn how the Grandmasters make it.

  • Part 4

    How to prepare for the game

    In this lesson, we will discuss preparation for the next round in a tournament when the next opponent is known. During this lesson, I will tell you the grandmaster’s secrets of preparation. Using these ideas, you will be able to neutralize your opponent’s preparation and win many games by having a theoretical and psychological advantage before the game even begins!

  • Part 5

    How to Learn Chess

    All chess players learn chess, but some players play much better than others. What does this mean?
    It means that many players learning is ineffective. In this lesson I will tell you the secrets of the Grandmaster’s training. After studying the video lessons in the course “The Grandmaster’s secrets” you will receive certain knowledge with which you will be able to achieve real progress. But it is necessary to put the received knowledge into practice. This practical addition to the course will help you with this!

  • Practicum

    The practical part of the course contains 200 special games and tasks, which will help you put course’s ideas into practice. You will also get the program for self-training. This detailed guide explains what and how you should do to increase your chess power.



  • Comprehensive video lessons

  • The text versions of video lessons (for printing)

  • 200 special games and tasks (a practical part)

  • PGN files for computer analysis

  • The complete and clear program for several months of your independent training, which will bring you great progress

  • Standalone and 100% downloadable

The Grandmaster's Secrets:


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  • You will get the detailed program for your independent training, which contains concrete tasks and instructions.
  • You will understand the GM ideas better.
  • You will start calculating variations more quickly and precisely.
  • You will stop making most blunders.
  • You will train the right way of thinking, which will allow you to find the best moves in any position.
  • And the main thing: you will learn to apply this knowledge to practice – so you will really get these practical skill set.

The program is designed for several months of training (2-4 depending on how much time you spend on chess per day). After the completion of all the tasks in the practical part of the course you will really get the practical skills necessary to become a Master!


Time is money… Having spent a little money now, you will start to get prizes much faster!

Now the time of boring books goes by. Most likely you have noticed that 80% from them are a collection of a considerable quantity of theoretical information, which does not provide real progress.

Besides, it’s been proven a long time ago that text information is digested much worse than the same information in video-format since people remember only 10% of what they have read, 20% of what they have heard and 70% of what they participated in.

Thus, the video-format involves all channels of perception and provides peak efficiency of training.

Chess is becoming more and more popular. Accordingly, the quantity of strong players has recently increased considerably.

The weak opponent can be beaten, using well-known chess knowledge. For a victory over a strong opponent it is necessary to possess unique and effective skills in addition.

The chess course “The Grandmaster’s secrets” contains a unique system of an effective game and training, which will give you a great advantage over the opponents (proven by practice!).


GM Igor Smirnov

Igor Smirnov is a chess Grandmaster, coach, and holder of a Master’s degree in psychology. He’s the founder of the “Remote Chess Academy” company that has helped thousands of students worldwide to improve their results. GM Smirnov has developed lots of chess video lessons, articles, webinars and training courses.


  • Igor Smirnov’s chess course: “The Grandmaster’s Secrets” offers a crystal clear approach to self-improvement on a practical level. He explains, in easy to understand language, the necessary way of thinking that one must use throughout the Opening, Middlegame, and Endgame to achieve high level results. Igor also explains many typical mistakes that beginners make when trying to study by themselves without a trainer.
    Konstantin Fedoseev (USA)
  • GM Igor Smirnov has developed an effective system of chess improvement. If you follow his advice, you will become a stronger player. To back up my claim, I have evidence that following Igor’s system will get you good results. Recently, I won a qualification tournament for a GM round robin (first in my life) with GM norm chances! I am really happy! This series covers a wide range of topics that would be beneficial for most players. Highly recommended!
    Keith MacKinnon (Canada)
  • The most important thing is HOW TO THINK… It’s like giving me the Key to Win. My dear Teacher IGOR SMIRNOV, I would like to thank you first! Secondly, to be honest, that Video is amazing. I watched the introduction and lesson 1 the 2 parts. Wow, i didn't imagine you people think like that... And the most important thing is HOW TO THINK… it’s like giving me the Key to Win.
    Mohammad Naji (Egypt)
  • The lessons in this course are eye-popping, especially lessons 1.1 and 1.2. These two lessons alone can take your game to the next level. I was skeptical at first about the value of the course as it is pretty expensive, but how wrong I was. They really work and I personally recommend without a doubt to anybody who wants to get a massive surge in rating points.



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