with GM Bryan Smith

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tactical mastery

Renowned Coach GM Bryan Smith Reveals...

The Complete Opening Preparation on Hyper Accelerated Dragon!  

Looking for a powerful, attacking, ‘low-maintenance’ weapon against 1.e4?

Get ALL the benefits of playing the Sicilian while preventing the most dangerous counters without spending half of your lifetime memorizing the theory!

The Hyper Accelerated Dragon is your secret weapon!

1.e4 c5 Nf3 g6

Black has multiple strong setups available while restricting White's most dangerous responses including the Yugoslav Attack, Rossolimo, and the Moscow Variation.

Play a more favorable version of 'modified' Maroczy Bind, leading to very different types of positions... and White better know what they are doing, or the game will end with a quick 0-1.

GM Bryan Smith created a complete 10-hour Mastermind on Hyper Accelerated Dragon, where he reveals (the first time EVER) his entire preparation with black on this shortcut opening!

Here is what Hyper Accelerated Dragon is All About:

  • Beating a 2500 in Style. Learn Jabova's powerful attacking setup that works wonders in the opposite side castling
  • Destroying a 2100 FIDE in 7 moves! Bryan Smith demonstrates what happens if White is not familiar with the Hyper Accelerated move order
  • Beating a Chess Master with Ease. A practical guide to sacing a pawn, gaining the initiative, and harassing the White's queen to build a game-winning attack

Hyper Accelerated Dragon is a "low maintenance" opening, unlike other variations such as Classical Dragon or Najdorf. No need to constantly update the theory.

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  • Chapter 1

    Introduction to Hyper Accelerated Dragon

  • Chapter 2

    Various Moves

  • Chapter 3


  • Chapter 4


  • Chapter 5

    4.c4 Qb6 5.Nc3

  • Chapter 6

    4.c4 Qb6 5.dxc5 Part 1

  • Chapter 7

    4.c4 Qb6 5.dxc5 Part 2

  • Chapter 8

    4...Qa5+ 5.Bd2

  • Chapter 9

    4...Qa5+ 5.Nc3

  • Chapter 10

    4.c3 6.exd5

  • Chapter 11

    4.c3 6.e5

  • Chapter 12

    Classical Variations

  • Chapter 13

    7.Nxc6 bxc6 8.e5

  • Chapter 14


  • Chapter 15

    3...cxd4 4.Qxd4

  • Chapter 16

    Model Games

Hyper Accelerated Dragon:

Everything in one package

Hyper Accelerated Dragon with GM Smith - video course [10 hours]

GM Bryan Smith created a complete 10-hour Mastermind on Hyper Accelerated Dragon, where he reveals (the first time EVER) his entire preparation with black on this shortcut opening!

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

7 Model Games

GM Bryan Smith demonstrates 7 meticulously analyzed Model Games, sharing GM Analysis, important plans, principles and ideas to make sure you can start applying your new Hyper Accelerated Dragon preparation in matter of days!

Access to Practicum

Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

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GM Bryan Smith (FIDE 2503)

is an American Grandmaster and chess coach. GM Smith has won many international tournaments including Limpedea Cup (Romania), Citta di Erba (Italy), Easter International (Serbia), Philadelphia International, National Chess Congress, US Masters, etc.

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