by IM Valeri Lilov

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IM Lilov Reveals...

How Masters Utilize The Good Squares and Effectively Coordinate Pieces

Want to know the secret of becoming a much stronger chess player without spending 2x or 3x more time training?

Here it is...

Focus on piece coordination and piece activity.

In chess, it is important to place your pieces in active squares, to coordinate them together and to find an active plan. That's how Chessmasters do it and that's how you should do it as well.

In this 3-hour course, you will learn to flawlessly identify PERFECT squares for your pieces, spot your opponent's weaknesses, fix your own positions while executing a game-winning plan!

You will have the new ideas implemented and “installed” in your chess toolbox - ready and available to use for your next game.

Here is what you'll learn:

  • The number 1 key principle of coordination and activity [and how IM's use it to get an upper hand]
  • How to crack even the most difficult positions with THIS ONE simple trick
  • What IMs and GMs do with the "dangerous" pieces [this idea alone can win you TONs of games]
  • BREAKING the coordination of the pieces and stopping your opponent - a must know rule
  • Kotov's famous RULE that all GMs know - and you will too!
  • How to bring all of the ideas together - the principle of "power play"

Ready to take your game to the next level? Get started now!

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10 Video Lessons (180 minutes)

In this 3-hour course, you will learn to flawlessly identify PERFECT squares for your pieces, spot your opponent's weaknesses, fix your own positions while executing a game-winning plan!

Powerful Practical Tasks [23 minutes]

It is necessary to put the received knowledge into practice. There are 8 practical tasks [in video format]  in this course which will help you to understand and remember the ideas of the course better.

You also get the solutions in PGN format.

KEY Materials For Printing [73-page PDF book]

Includes the 73-page PDF book going over all the lines, variations and secrets you need to know to become a very successful chess player (you can even challenge high rated and titled players with this knowledge). To further reinforce what you have learned, you get diagrams and other key materials for printing that you can pin in your chess library or computer room.

Theory PGNs

PGNs of all the games with extra lines and IM ideas are included for your convenience.

FREE BONUS: Think, Plan, Win with GM Smirnov [$25 value]

This course provides practical instructions and recommendation for 1600-2000 rated players on how to think, plan and win chess games.

[Available to the first 50 buyers only. If you already purchased this course you can get a replacement of a comparable value.]


  • Lesson 1

    Advanced Pieces

    In this lesson, Lilov will talk about the key principles of piece coordination and activity, as well as some of the most valuable things that people often don’t realize about this type of situations.

  • Lesson 2

    Focus on Advances Squares and Pieces

    In this lesson, Lilov will now talk about a very interesting and easy example. You have to understand that to actually get good at recognizing difficult examples, you have to first get better with the simple ones. One of the ways this happens is by actually looking at straightforward positions.

  • Lessons 3

    Center and Coordination

    In this lesson, Lilov will talk about what pieces actually are, when it comes to the opponent’s pieces. The idea of the opponent’s pieces is very important because you need to understand what they can do. Literally, think about it this way. Any piece of the opponent that is too far ahead or too far advanced becomes dangerous.

  • Lesson 4

    The Opponent's Pieces

    In this lesson, Lilov will talk about a really incredible example which illustrates what I call the most important one when it comes down to piece activity. I don’t want to tell it to you, but rather I’d like to show it to you because that’s how you’re going to realize and be able to appreciate the value of these principles when it comes down to using them.

  • Lesson 5

    Space and Activity

    In this lesson, Lilov will discuss why piece development and coordination is quite difficult, one of the major problems being how to make the pieces work together.

  • Lesson 6

    Pieces Weaknesses

    We have a very important position where Black has a set of forces that just look good. With all of his pieces coordinated, they will target the enemy pieces.

  • Lesson 7

    Game Stages

    This lesson discusses the game that was played between Konstantinopolsky and Kotov, two very strong Grandmasters.

  • Lesson 8


    In this lesson, Lilov will analyze a game where White is a pawn up and well developed but with some specific problems to solve.

  • Lesson 9


    In this lesson, Lilov will talk about a couple of games and examples. I’m going to play around against real people to show you how you can create good piece activity, even out of bad or difficult situations.

  • Lesson 10

    Power Play

    This lesson talks about the idea of pieces, the way they work and the way it all comes together.


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IM Valeri Lilov (FIDE 2438)

better known as Tiger Lilov, is a professional chess coach and lecturer renowned for his personalized approach to training students and professional players from all over the world.Having been an active tournament player all his life, he has won many international open tournaments and championships including the European Individual School Chess Championship U10 (Moscow, 2000) and the Kulaga Memorial International Open (Minsk, 2007).


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