with IM Mat Kolosowski

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tactical mastery

IM Mat Kolosowski Presents...

It doesn’t matter which openings you play - all openings...EVERY. Single. One... has dangerous, venom-filled traps that can lose you the game in a single move.

And as a chessplayer... nothing's worse than the embarrassment of resigning before move 10.

And it isn’t just a danger for you.

Even strong players have had the face-reddening experience of losing in a few moves.

Look at this guy: he thought his "tactical shot" ...Nxd4 was winning... only to have his sneaky, snickering opponent trap his queen in a few moves... humiliating!

How can you avoid nightmare situations like this?

I’ve brought in leading coach IM Mat Kolosowski to create an entire course on EVERY trap in chess theory... and the result is a 6.5-hour crash course that’ll save you dozens of points and hours of embarrassment!

No matter what openings you play, there’s something IM Mat Kolosowksi will point out to help you sidestep the dangers, improve your tactical skill, and improve your overall tournament performance.

Here is what it will do for you:

  • How to LAUGH at the London System: The London is considered one of the most solid openings in chess. So imagine white’s shock when he loses a piece to the simple 4...e5! - players as strong as 2100 Elo have fallen into this one!
  • A Knight Sac that SHATTERS the Caro Kann: This opening is proven to be safe and solid...right? Wrong. Keep an eye out for the shocking Nxf7!! which comes from a blue sky but ends the game immediately! (See Chapter 14)
  • A Queen Sac that totally TROLLS 1.d4 Players: One careless move as white and he destroys you with a game-winning queen sacrifice! One of the hidden dangers of the Queen’s Gambit opening and one EVERY player must know! (See Chapter 17)

And there are DOZENS MORE

Download your HD video chess lessons and work through your comprehensive PGN file to make sure you NEVER lose to any of these traps again!

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  • Chapter 1

    Introduction to the Course

  • Chapter 2

    Legal's Mate

  • Chapter 3

    El Greco's Trap

  • Chapter 4

    Blackburne Schilling Gambit

  • Chapter 5

    Noah's Ark

  • Chapter 6

    Mortimer's Trap

  • Chapter 7

    Ruy Lopez - Tarrasch Trap

  • Chapter 8

    Vienna Game - Wurzburger Trap

  • Chapter 9

    Petroff - Marshall Trap

  • Chapter 10

    Sozin Trap

  • Chapter 11

    Accelerated Dragon

  • Chapter 12

    Sveshnikov Trap

  • Chapter 13

    Other Sicilian Traps

  • Chapter 14

    Caro-Kann Traps

  • Chapter 15

    French Traps

  • Chapter 16

    Queen's Gambit Accepted Traps

  • Chapter 17

    Queen's Gambit Declined Traps

  • Chapter 18

    QGD - Rubinstein's Trap

  • Chapter 19

    Cambridge Springs & Ragozin Defence

  • Chapter 20

    Budapest Gambit & other minor lines

  • Chapter 21

    Other 1.d4 Traps


Everything in one package

Opening Traps Training with IM Mat Kolosowski in HD Video [6.5 hours]

Sit back and soak up the most dangerous traps you’re likely to EVER face... explained in plain language by a strong, experienced IM who has seen it all!

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs files of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important chess motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

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IM Mat Kolosowski (FIDE 2451)

Mat Kołosowski is an International Master from Poland. He is a multiple Polish youth championship medalist. In 2010 he took 5th place in European U-18 Championship. During the course of his chess career Mat won many international tournaments. Apart from being a player he is also a chess coach who has experience in working with students from more than 20 countries. So far he helped a few of them in obtaining their own international titles. Mat has also performed live commentary of Polish and European Rapid and Blitz Championships.


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