with IM Mat Kolosowski

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tactical mastery

IM Mat Kolosowski Reveals...

How to 'See' and 'Solve' Advanced and Hidden Chess Patterns

If you’ve been playing chess for a while, you know the importance of pattern recognition.

It’s what alerts you to a possible tactic in the position. It’s what allows you to sacrifice your queen without calculating, knowing that the back-rank mate is forced.

It’s what enables Hikaru Nakamura to solve complex tactics in under a second.

High-level pattern recognition will you find brilliant moves – tactical and strategic – instantly.

Now Chess World favorite IM Mat Kolosowski has produced Pattern Recognition Mastermind – the brand new course that saves you thousands of hours in learning patterns.

There are 2 ways to significantly improve your tactics:

  • Attempt 50,000 tactics until something sinks in
  • Learn the major patterns and the mechanics of their solution

Mat takes the second approach in this course.

You learn how to spot potential tactics, how to force your opponent into allowing an actual tactic, and how to execute flawlessly.

Some of what to expect:

  • Tactical vision. We can all spot a fork when it’s there to be played… but what about when it’s hidden 3 or 4 moves away? Mat explains how to set up deep tactics that your opponent won’t see coming.
  • Move order magic. Many winning tactics get missed as the player can’t quite make it work. If your intuition tells you there’s something there, you’re probably right. Learn the trick to solving these positions in chapter 2
  • Getting your own way. Not all combinations win material or mate the king. Sometimes you need some tactical wizardry to take control of a file or secure an outpost. Chapter 7 shows you how to master the methods top GMs use to advance their plans.

If you’re a novice player, this is probably too advanced.

Rated above 1400 and want to make rapid gains in your tactical ability? Hack your training with Pattern Recognition Mastermind.

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  • Intro

    Pattern Recognition - Introduction

  • Chapter 1

    Fork and Calculation Technique

  • Chapter 2

    Fork - Complex Ideas

  • Chapter 3

    Fork - Mind the Move Order

  • Chapter 4

    Double Threat

  • Chapter 5

    Hidden Resources

  • Chapter 6

    Pin and Skewer Introduction

  • Chapter 7

    Tactics Serves Strategy!

  • Chapter 8

    Pin, Skewer, Discovered checks - Complex Ideas

  • Chapter 9

    Decoy and Deflection - Introduction

  • Chapter 10

    Decoy and Deflection - Complex Ideas

  • Chapter 11

    Deflection - Unexpected Moves

  • Chapter 12

    Deflection in the Endgames

  • Chapter 13

    Intermediate Moves - Introduction

  • Chapter 14

    Intermediate Strategic Moves

  • Chapter 15

    Intermediate Moves - Complex Ideas

  • Chapter 16

    Intermediate Moves in the Endgames

  • Blitz

    Blitz Session


Everything in one package

Pattern Recognition Mastermind with IM Mat Kolosowski video course [8 hours 15 mins]

Pattern Recognition Mastermind teaches you to see and solve advanced and hidden chess patterns. If you want to be able to “insta-solve” tactics like Nakamura and pounce on every opportunity you get – without having to spend every spare second of your life training – take IM Kolosowski’s new 8-hour course.

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs files of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important chess motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

Summary of the course [PDF]

Summary of the key points covered in each of the course's 16 lessons for quick reference and reviewing. Use it as a quick refresher after studying the course or print it and pin it on the wall.

Application of Ideas [24-minute video]

Watch IM Kolosowski demolish his competition using the ideas, principles, and plans demonstrated in the course. This extra video will help you see how everything works together!

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IM Mat Kolosowski (FIDE 2451)

Mat Kołosowski is an International Master from Poland. He is a multiple Polish youth championship medalist. In 2010 he took 5th place in European U-18 Championship. During the course of his chess career Mat won many international tournaments. Apart from being a player he is also a chess coach who has experience in working with students from more than 20 countries. So far he helped a few of them in obtaining their own international titles. Mat has also performed live commentary of Polish and European Rapid and Blitz Championships.


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