with IM Edward Porper

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tactical mastery

Renowned Coach IM Edward Porper Reveals...

You’re about to discover a single key that unlocks the correct move for every plan in every all of chess theory…

How well can you read the Pawn Formations in your main openings?

Very well, I hope.

Because being able to “read” the opening pawn formation literally dictates the moves you choose and thus makes it simple to find the right plan for you AND your opponent.

Think about it. Instead of trying to remember complicated theory like this…

"Was I supposed to play 8.Be2 here or 8.Bb5 here? Hmm...Whatever, I’ll play 8.Be2…"

You'd have an instantaneous grasp of the position and think more like this…

“Well, I have 4 pawns vs 3 on the kingside, so the correct plan MUST be 8.f3-f4-f5 with some kingside attacking ideas...then when I have space, transfer heavy pieces for a breakthrough...”

This is how Masters figure out the right plan, even when surprised in an opening they don’t know.

If you’re ready to use the same method masters use to:

  • Read the pawn formation at a mere glance
  • Choose the best strategic plan to follow… should definitely have a look at IM Edward Porper’s brand new Pawn Structures Manual training.

This is the knowledge most amateurs lack...Grab it and CRUSH em at your next event!

Pawn Theory You MUST Learn Includes…

  • Isolated Pawns: How to Attack Them like Karpov! Isolated pawns arise in tons of openings almost by force…you’ll learn to trade irrelevant pieces and pile up with the positional force of Awesome Anatoly! (see Chapter 3:Hunting Down an Isolated Pawn)
  • Master Semi-Open Positions Where You MUST Attack! Sicilian, Pirc, Caro Kann and tons more...These openings give each side a SEPARATE open file for their own use. You’ll discover the single idea to keep in mind to make sure that your attack is the one that breaks through!
  • Turn Your Kingside Majority into a Deadly Pawn Storm! Maybe you know that a pawn majority can be used to create a passed pawn...but did you know that it can be used to create an unstoppable attack via pawn storm? (Learn how in Chapter 5: Rolling Pawns!)

It is time to take your game to a whole new level!

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  • Chapter 1

    Structures and Openings

  • Chapter 2

    Isolated Pawn - The Child of Many Openings

  • Chapter 3

    Hunting Down an Isolated Pawn

  • Chapter 4

    The Fury of Hanging Pawns

  • Chapter 5

    The Rolling Pawns

  • Chapter 6

    The Misery of Doubled Pawns

  • Chapter 7

    Twice as Strong

  • Chapter 8

    Symmetrical Imbalances

  • Chapter 9

    A Dynamic Weakness

  • Chapter 10

    All Eggs in The Broken C-Basket

  • Chapter 11

    Formula One for Passed Pawns

  • Chapter 12

    The Magic of b4 in Benoni

  • Chapter 13

    The Backbone of Chess

What's Included:

Strategy Manual with IM Edward Porper - video course [10 hours 3 minutes]

IM Edward Porper has put together his 10-hour Pawn Structures Manual - the complete blueprint to Pawn Formations for players 1400-2200. Because being able to "read" the opening pawn formation literally dictates the moves you choose and thus makes it simple to find the right plan for you AND your opponent.

Complete Course PGNs

Downloadable, complete game database of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

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IM Edward Porper [FIDE 2492]

Edward Porper is an International Master from Canada. He became an IM in 1991 achieving highest FIDE rating of 2492 as well as 2700 USCF. He is a professional chess player and coach - teaching chess for many years. IM Porper has won multiple national and international chess tournaments during his 30+ year career.

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You must be thrilled with this purchase, and it must transform your chess the way I state in this letter, or I don’t want your money. Try it out and if you don’t agree that it’s an amazing program and worth more than you paid, keep all your money. If for any reason you’re not satisfied with the purchase just ask for your money back. It doesn’t get any easier than that.


  • q-iconIs it a physical DVD or a digital download?

    The video is an instant download. The endgame practicum is accessed via the secure area on the server.

  • q-iconWhat package should I get?

    Combination of the video course with the endgame practicum will lead to faster results. If budget is an issue, the video by itself is also great.

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    If you have another question about this chess course, feel free to contact me.