with GM Ibro Saric

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tactical mastery

Super Coach GM Ibro Saric Reveals...

How to Win with the 9 Elements of Advanced Positional Play for Players in the 1200-1800 Range Looking to Reach 2000-2200 Elo and Beyond...

Too many players hold themselves back by ignoring the positional side of the game. They make excuses like "I’m a tactical player" or "I just launch an attack and play from there".

Problem is...

These players soon find those tactics and attacks dry up. As Fischer said, "tactics flow from a superior position".

The truth is...

Tactics are the finishing blow, positional play gets you the winning set-up in the first place.

If you’re finding attacks hard to come by against stronger players, if you find more games ending in blocked or symmetrical positions, it’s time to learn the advanced secrets of positional play.

We simplified the entire process for you!

GM Ibro Saric has just finished his 10 hour course Positional Play Secrets, an all-in-one training that shows you what GMs see and club players miss.

Some of the things you'll start using in your games:

  • Strength in weakness. Let your opponents give you “weaknesses” like the isolated pawn… then blow them off the board with your higher knowledge of the hidden strengths of these positions! (Basically a high-level, long-term positional trap!)
  • Disarmament. One of Karpov’s favorite plans was to suck the life out of one of his opponent’s pieces, leaving it like an unarmed man in a gunfight. Offside knights, bad bishops, trapped rooks… Ibro Saric reveals strategies like Karpov’s Ba7!! in chapter 15.
  • Space-time continuum. Many openings give you an early space advantage (French, Caro-Kann, KID…) but how do you take advantage? Black’s setup is usually solid and early attacks are doomed to fail. Ibro gives you a step-by-step plan for optimizing your pieces, piling on the pressure and ultimately striking a hammerblow without allowing your rival time for any counterplay.

It is time to take your positional play to another level!

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  • Intro

    Introduction to Positional Chess

  • Chapter 1

    Isolated Pawn I

  • Chapter 2

    Isolated Pawn II

  • Chapter 3

    Hanging Pawns I

  • Chapter 4

    Hanging Pawns II

  • Chapter 5

    Backward Pawns I

  • Chapter 6

    Backward Pawns II

  • Chapter 7

    Doubled Pawns I

  • Chapter 8

    Doubled Pawns II

  • Chapter 9

    Passed Pawn I

  • Chapter 10

    Passed Pawn II

  • Chapter 11

    Space Advantage I

  • Chapter 12

    Space Advantage II

  • Chapter 13

    Open Files I

  • Chapter 14

    Open Files II

  • Chapter 15

    Bad pieces I

  • Chapter 16

    Bad pieces II

  • Chapter 17

    Strong Squares I

  • Chapter 18

    Strong Squares II

  • Chapter 19

    Prophylactic Thinking I

  • Chapter 20

    Prophylactic Thinking II

What's Included:

Positional Play Secrets with GM Ibro Saric - video course [10 hours]

In this 10-hour, 20-chapter course, GM Ibro Saric reveals how to win with the 9 elements of advanced positional play. A course for players in the 1200-1800 range looking to reach 2000-2200 Elo and beyond.

Complete game database

Downloadable, complete game database of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

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GM Ibro Saric (FIDE 2572)

Ibro Saric is an International Grandmaster from Bosnia & Herzegovina. He is a professional chess player and coach - teaching chess for many years. GM Saric believes that the most important thing is to develop the right way of chess thinking, focusing on typical positions, middlegame plans, and pawn structures. His favorite quote is "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.'' - Bruce Lee. He perfectly translates it into his playing and teaching style to make sure his students can and will apply all the theory into practice.

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  • q-iconIs it a physical DVD or a digital download?

    The video is an instant download. The endgame practicum is accessed via the secure area on the server.

  • q-iconWhat package should I get?

    Combination of the video course with the endgame practicum will lead to faster results. If budget is an issue, the video by itself is also great.

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    If you have another question about this chess course, feel free to contact me.