with Grandmaster Alexander Ipatov

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Endgame Trainer

Instructions: Practice the following endgame position against the computer until you are confident that you can play it correctly in actual game. Take your time and go through the exercise more than once if needed to fully understand the material. If you have any difficulties please refer to the lesson above.

NOTICE: If the position did not show up or you see an empty board please click the circular restart button under the position.

Show Typical skewer +

White to move and win:

Show Typical draw 1 +

Black to move and draw:

Show Typical draw 2 +

Black to move and draw:

Show Grigoriev +

Black to move and draw:

Show Kopaev +

White to move and win:

Show Kling-Horwitz +

Black to move and draw:

Show Vanchura +

Black to move and draw:

Show Cheron +

Black to move and draw:

Show Cheron Part 2 +

Black to move and draw:

Show Cheron Part 3 +

White to move and win:

Show Cheron Part 4 +

White to move and win:

Show Cheron Part 5 +

White to move and win:

Show Cheron Part 6 +

Black to move and draw:

Show Szabo - Keres +

White to move and win:

Show Flohr - Vidmar +

White to move and win: