The Complete Repertoire

with GM Marian Petrov

[60% OFF]

Sicilian defense

GM Marian Petrov Reveals...

How to Beat 1.e4, Outplaying Your Rivals Game-After-Game... all without Having to Remember the Theory

You don’t need me to convince you that the Sicilian is the #1 weapon against e4.

1…c5 been the champions’ choice for 60 years.

But it’s just for the pros, right?

The massive number of life-or-death variations makes it too risky for club players to employ, doesn’t it?

Not anymore.

GM Marian Petrov has just completed his 10.5-hour guide Sicilian Defense - Complete Repertoire for Black, a deadly repertoire against anything White might try!

Split into 10 chapters, Sicilian Defense - Complete Repertoire reveals how to take down each of White’s alternatives with model games, sneaky traps and deep strategies.

Here is what it will do for you:

  • The Smith-Morra antidote - The Smith-Morra gambit (1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3) unleashes a swarm of aggression against the Black position that can wipe the unprepared off the board in 25 moves or less. Learn the antidote, however, and you’ll take the sting out of White’s attack, getting safety, activity and an extra pawn!
  • Which pieces matter most - Every position has a linchpin, that piece or pawn that holds things together. Remove it and your enemy’s game collapses like a house of cards! GM Petrov explains when and why different pieces play that role – allowing you to unleash game-winning sacrifices like …Rxf4!
  • Strings to your bow - Get the benefits of mastering one opening without becoming a sitting target! Marian shows you how to adapt the “Sicilian rules” between Najdorf, Dragon and other set-ups.
  • The b-pawn barge - In one of White’s favorite systems Black can push the b-pawn twice in the first 8 moves and mess up White’s plans completely! Discover how to get this almost forced position in chapter 10.
  • Anti-Sicilians destroyed - Many players will try to take the sting out of the Sicilian with moves like 3.Bb5+. This plays right into your hands! Black gets 2 major benefits – learn how to systematically parlay them into a win in chapter 4.

Whether you’re new to the Sicilian or just need to know how to deal with an annoying response from White, GM Petrov’s opening masterclass will get you tournament-ready in no time.

This is perhaps the first course to take you from ZERO to EXPERT in the most powerful response to 1.e4 available.



  • Chapter 1

    Rare Lines

  • Chapter 2

    Closed Sicilian

  • Chapter 3


  • Chapter 4

    Bb5 lines

  • Chapter 5

    Dragon Variation

  • Chapter 6

    Sveshnikov Variation

  • Chapter 7

    Bg5 lines

  • Chapter 8

    Bc4 lines

  • Chapter 9

    Classical Be2

  • Chapter 10

    Be3 and English Attack


Everything in one package + FREE Bonuses

Sicilian Defense Complete Repertoire with GM Petrov video course [10 hours 28 minutes]

GM Marian Petrov has just completed his 10.5-hour guide Sicilian Defense - Complete Repertoire for Black, a deadly repertoire against anything White might try! Split into 10 chapters, Sicilian Defense - Complete Repertoire reveals how to take down each of White’s alternatives with model games, sneaky traps, and deep strategies.

Complete set of PGNs and ChessBase Files

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs and ChessBase files of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important chess motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

Extra Training Tasks [PDF]

Advanced training tasks taken directly from top-level games. Learn from the ideas and strategies of players like Capablanca, Kasparov and Karpov. After solving those problems you will get one step closer to chess mastery!

BONUS: 1.d4 Opening Course [$59 value]

Would you feel more confident playing your next game if you knew that there are no d4-lines out there that can catch you off-guard?

This is NOT another “theoretical” course. This is a pure practical advice teaching you the moves that win games.  Even if you hate opening theory, this course is so simple and easy-to-understand; you’ll fall in love with it!

[Available to the first 50 buyers only. If you already purchased this course you can get a replacement of a comparable value.]

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Video Course + PGNs + Practicum

Sicilian Defense Complete Repertoire with GM Petrov video course [10 hours 28 minutes]

GM Marian Petrov has just completed his 10.5-hour guide Sicilian Defense - Complete Repertoire for Black, a deadly repertoire against anything White might try! Split into 10 chapters, Sicilian Defense - Complete Repertoire reveals how to take down each of White’s alternatives with model games, sneaky traps, and deep strategies.

Complete set of PGNs and ChessBase Files

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs and ChessBase files of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

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Sicilian Defense Complete Repertoire with GM Petrov video course [10 hours 28 minutes]

GM Marian Petrov has just completed his 10.5-hour guide Sicilian Defense - Complete Repertoire for Black, a deadly repertoire against anything White might try! Split into 10 chapters, Sicilian Defense - Complete Repertoire reveals how to take down each of White’s alternatives with model games, sneaky traps, and deep strategies.

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GM Marian Petrov (FIDE 2537)

is an accomplished professional chess coach, theorist, and Bulgarian champion for 2002 and 2017, as well as winner of many open tournaments around the world. Also a FIDE trainer and coach of the team of Wales at the last Olympiad in Baku in 2016. He graduated from the National Sports Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria with a Bachelor's degree in Chess Pedagogy, a four-year undergraduate program designed to prepare top-level chess trainers.



  • Sicilian Defense Complete Repertoire with GM Petrov video course [10 hours 28 minutes]
  • Complete set of PGNs and ChessBase Files
  • Access to Practicum

  • Sicilian Defense Complete Repertoire with GM Petrov video course [10 hours 28 minutes]
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  • q-iconIs it a physical DVD or a digital download?

    The video is an instant download. The endgame practicum is accessed via the secure area on the server.

  • q-iconWhat package should I get?

    Combination of the video course with the endgame practicum will lead to faster results. If budget is an issue, the video by itself is also great.

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    If you have another question about this chess course, feel free to contact me.