
with GM Davorin Kuljasevic

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tactical mastery
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Hi there, 

It's no secret that to become a strong chess player you need to master multiple important skills. Among those skills, however, one is the key to chess mastery.

Yup, you guessed it right... It's TACTICS.

If you want to improve at chess and have limited number of hours to invest, putting more time into tactics will get you the greatest return.

Mastering tactics, as opposed to positional understanding, endgame or the openings, translates to other parts of the game. By learning tactics to a significantly high degree, everything else simply flows from there. Trust me, you will get surprised how easy things become, once you're proficient at tactics. It becomes much easier coming up with a good plan, calculating endgames, launching a winning attack and so on.

And the most importantly... your RESULTS become better.

You can't build a great building on a weak foundation.  The same principle applies to chess. You can't become a great player being a weak tactician.

It took GM Davorin Kuljasevic over a decade to develop a special methodology covering both tactics and calculation - ultimately leading to the Tactics Mastery video course.

This course has a very different perspective on improving your tactics. Instead of taking a usual route of solving 1000s of tactical problems, you'll learn tactics from a more comprehensive angle combining it with strategical motifs. That’s a far more efficient way of studying tactics, because in the actual games tactics and strategy are always interconnected, following one another.

If you ever wanted to learn how to become a world-class tactician and start finding tactics subconsciously on an autopilot here is your real chance!

What this course is about?

GM Kuljasevic provides you with the full arsenal of all the necessary tools, theory and practical exercises for tactical mastery. By applying his specifically developed calculation and pattern recognition models you will be able to identify most common "tactical triggers" and spot tactics almost instantly.

Mastering the "Ply Theory" will aid you in avoiding blunders and allowing to calculate deeper and smarter than you ever thought possible. Learning structured ways for board vision and visualization will make sure you'll find even the most complex combinations.

Let's Begin?

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  • Intro

    Tactics Introduction

  • Lesson 1

    Four Questions

  • Lesson 2

    Four Questions: The Exercises

  • Lesson 3

    Undefended Pieces and Contact

  • Lesson 4

    Geometry and Exposed King

  • Lesson 5

    Chess Combinations

  • Intro II

    Calculation Introduction

  • Lesson 6

    Board Vision and Visualization

  • Lesson 7

    Prophylactic Thinking

  • Lesson 8

    Candidate Moves

  • Lesson 9

    Opponent’s Counter Chances

  • Lesson 10

    Deep Calculation and Closing Thoughts


Everything in one package + 2 FREE Bonuses

Tactical Mastery with GM Kuljasevic - video course [7 hours]

In this 12-lesson video course we are going to take your tactics to the next level. You will learn the specific and very effective methods  that professional chess players use to achieve tactical mastery.

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important tactical and tactical motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

Summary of the course [PDF]

Summary of the key points covered in each of the course's 14 chapters for quick reference and reviewing. Use it as a quick refresher after studying the course or print it and pin it on the wall.

Extra Training Tasks

Set of extra training tasks, which are designed to challenge your tactical and calculation skills after completing the course. Think of it as your final exam. PGNs with solutions are included as well.

FREE BONUS - Beating Stronger Opponents with IM Castellanos [$35 Value]

Instant download of the 3 hours long, video course with IM Renier Castellanos. The course covers the exact methodology and thinking process that IM Castellanos applies to outplay stronger opponents.

FREE BONUS #2 - Tactics Fundamentals [$35 Value]

In this course, IM Valeri Lilov goes over some of the most-instructive Tal’s games and explains some of the most effective techniques that Tal utilized to demolish his opponents – time-after-time.

If you already purchased this course we can give you an alternative choice of a comparable value

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GM Davorin Kuljasevic (FIDE 2591)

GM Davorin Kuljasevic is a Croatian GM, who graduated from Texas Tech University and played in USCL 2007 and 2008 for Dallas Destiny, becoming US champion both years. He is an experienced coach and a winner of many tournaments: Castelfranco Veneto 2014, Split Open 2013, Mitropa Cup 2013 with the team of Croatia, Lubbock Spice Cup Spring 2011, Rijeka Open 2011, etc.


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You must be thrilled with this purchase, and it must transform your chess the way I state in this letter, or I don’t want your money. Try it out and if you don’t agree that it’s an amazing program and worth more than you paid, keep all your money. If for any reason you’re not satisfied with the purchase just ask for your money back. It doesn’t get any easier than that.


  • q-iconIs it a physical DVD or a digital download?

    The video is an instant download. The endgame practicum is accessed via the secure area on the server.

  • q-iconWhat package should I get?

    Combination of the video course with the endgame practicum will lead to faster results. If budget is an issue, the video by itself is also great.

  • q-iconI have another question to ask you.

    If you have another question about this chess course, feel free to contact me.