with IM Valeri Lilov

"The key for becoming a strong attacker is to learn from the best and to have a system that you can apply in your own games. This is the most reliable and consistent approach."


closed catalan system for black

AVAILABLE Thursday October 12 , 2017

Enter your name and email to receive latest pre-release news and updates, as well as 50% discount:

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What will you learn?

  • Tal’s #1 secret of attacking play
  • How to setup your pawns and pieces so that tactics comes to the board?
  • Tal’s signature approach of getting the winning positions, and how you can do that too
  • How to analyze the possibilities and discover resources that opponents simply don’t see?
  • Handful of tools that you can use in your own games to partially replicate Tal’s attacking genius
  • How to launch a simple, yet very effective attack – the way Tal did it?


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