What Top Players Know about Weaknesses in the Endgame... That You Don't

(Secrets revealed with IM Mat Kolosowski)


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You are going to discover...

If you ever wanted to learn how to become a world-class endgame player and start cracking endings subconsciously on an autopilot here is your real chance!

  • The most common types of endgames weaknesses and how to get an upper hand using those?
  • The key questions that you should be asking yourself in a critical position? [hint: GMs always do that]
  • The importance of the piece coordination and how to exploit this very decisive factor in your own endgames
  • The "avalanche effect" - How a small weakness can escalate into a completely lost position in no time
  • How to analyze a position - An in-depth strategic analysis algorithm [it's easier than you think]